I was dumping a couple spoon full into my 15 gallon RODI reservoir for awhile, worked ok, hard to hold a balance though without letting the reservoir drain then measure each fill up. I'm lazy, so right now I'm using an old salt bucket (IO with the gasket sealed lid). I have a bunch of kalk in the bottom, and 2 sealed holes in the lid for in/out hoses. It's at the same level as my reservoir, I tried the bucket underneath, but the gasket seal lid doesn't hold any pressure well. As my tank pulls water from the mid level of the bucket, this pulls water from my RODI into the bottom of the bucket stirring up any sediment that sits there. This has been working GREAT for a few months now. Cheap easy DIY kalk dosing. I have an old microwave turntable motor that I'm going to wire up and put a magnetic stirrer in there, but seems ok for now, this is low priority in the little time I get to spend on my tank.