Thread: kalk in ato
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Old 01-27-2012, 07:39 PM
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what i have done is i have my RODI line running to the ATO and my Kalk Reactor. my Kalk reactor is on a constant drip of 1-1.5 drip per sec and what ever my Kalk reactor doesnt finish the RODI water will finish off. SO i set the Kalk reactor to accept some many drips going in so there isnt a problem of building up pressure.

another thing about running Kalk through a ATO is it will cake up of KAlk so just remeber to flush it and clean the Top off every week or so and you will be fine. As for the mixing all I ever did was mix it in a tub and had a line going tot he top off and ran it just give yourself about 1 hour for the solution to chill and clear up..

180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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