Yes the Kalk reactor is just a rough idea, I wanted to see if it would work. The top is just siliconed on so when I need to open it up I'll have to cut the silicone. I'll have to come up with a better way to add kalk, next time I open it I'll put in alot smaller portion of kalk.
The Bio balls are for bacteria, typical bio ball function, it looks like they'll be underwater but they wont the thing near the sumps sump is just a small peice of acrylic to hold the kent float valve it doesn't go nearly across the thing. I'll add more bio balls before it's complete, that was just all I had.
I'm thinking I may not need them though as I'm planning on keeping my fish #'s down. I'll just have to watch things and see how it goes.
BTW, I've got a 45 gallon refugium with a plenum hooked up as well. I was planning on putting leafy seaweeds in there but now I'm thinking about adding a few sponges and not putting any light on it.
Lots of ideas running through my head.
Jack? Seriously, what are flanges?