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Old 01-26-2012, 11:50 PM
ogopogo ogopogo is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Manitoba
Posts: 39
ogopogo is on a distinguished road
Default Mike's new reef!

Hey guy's, Decided I would make a tank journal to get some idea's and more pointers on the tank, It has been cycling for about 10 days now, so it still has a fair bit of time before I start to add any live stock.
-My main tank is a 36x20x20 1/2 inch thick glass, With a 25 gallon sump.
I haven't decided on the light for my fuge yet, as I still can't decide weather I want to have mangroves, or just macro algae growing in it.
My DT has a 250watt 14K hamilton metal halide bulb, And will probably adding some t5VHO attinic supplement light's in before I start to add corals and live stock.
I have a over flow box(I know not as good as a drilled tank, But didn't have a choice so far last 3 weeks that its had water running it I haven't had a single issue, and 10 days with salt rock and sand it's been running perfect)
My return pump is a quiet one 4000.
I have 2 koralia 475GPH power heads, as well as a koralia 750 GPH power head.
My skimmer is a coralife super skimmer 125, Haven't tried to tune it in yet, as there really isn't much, if any of a bioload in there just yet.
I have 50 pounds of dry rock, and about 10 pounds of live rock that I took from my currently running tank.
Also have 40 pounds of live sand which gives me about a 1 inch sand bed.

Now for a few pictures, Feel free to give me some advice, tell me what I could do better ect ect, You guys have been very helpful to me in the past.

Also a little background of me I guess, I have a nano tank that I have had up and running for about 2 and a half years now, with only one death in the last two years, which randomly happened to me a week or two ago, and I had decided it was my pistol shrimp that killed the cleaner shrimp, It is stocked with mostly zoanthids and some leather corals, Nothing fancy few candy cane's and an acan? I think thats what it is. Anyways back to the pictures.

Last edited by ogopogo; 01-26-2012 at 11:59 PM.
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