Thread: Powermodule Mod
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Old 01-25-2012, 05:52 AM
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
Really nice work that's a lot of wire to cram back in! So you have control over 4 pairs of bulbs. Maybe I missed this but can they dim now?
Ya, that's too many wires to cram back in there. I think it caused a ballast short as I was careless about the sharp edges of the aluminum fixture. Now that I have all the wires away from any sharp edges, I think it will fly ( no new ballasts burning out yet ).
I had to file a lot of metal out of the way to fit the extra wires.
Dimmable ? No. But, I can always change the ballasts later. All it would require is the more expensive ballasts and the module for my RKL.
The dimmable ballasts are not that much more than these $40 ones, so, it isn't unfathomable. Just not today. I still have to hide the money I've spent thus far. Not that I'm 'hiding' it, but I am definately 'over my budget'
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