Thread: lastlight's 404
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Old 01-25-2012, 05:38 AM
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
Awesome man get that thing going! Have you updated your thread with pics doesn't ring a bell.
Thanks for askin' ...
Nope, all I've done is link the light mod. It took me 2 days with the wiring, and the burning of a ballast, and the crushing of a new ballast, and then the figuring out how to make the 2nd new ballast fit. So, no, there's been no build progress
Sucks to be me.
I hope to make some progress over the next couple of days, in between the job hunting.
I want to next tackle cleaning up our rec-room to make room so I can pull down all the suspended tiles and run some wiring. This will get me much further along as I will know 'exactly' where I can cut the wall for the plumbing and electrical.

Oops, sorry to hi-jack your thread. Verbal diarrhea.
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