Thanks guys. He survived a day of halides and only came out a few times. Soon as 9pm hit and they went off he literally turned it on. I'm putting together another video (I'm sorta addicted to making these little vids now lol).
Originally Posted by MarkoD
danm it they had a acanthurus maculiceps at big als today but they wouldnt sell it to me because it would be "to hard to catch" in a tank with minimal live rock
Oh I hate that! When I was sourcing nice rock for the 225 I convinved a girl at big als to let me help her oust like 8 triggers from a piece in their tank. Took more than 30 minutes and I'm sure the triggers were pretty stressed (I felt bad but really wanted the rock).
Originally Posted by The Grizz
Brett, is there an easier name to remember for this?
Spotted Cheek is another I've heard...
Originally Posted by waynemah
Are you doing anything for low nutrient / dosing?
No just plain old carbon/gfo/water changes. I have some hair algae though!
Originally Posted by gregzz4
I have water but no rock, tank is in the back room, still have to hack up my walls...
Sorry to hijack  but my light is finished 
Awesome man get that thing going! Have you updated your thread with pics doesn't ring a bell.