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Old 01-25-2012, 05:00 AM
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Originally Posted by couchrugby2 View Post
OK my Iwaki MD70 just stopped working, how long should my tank las with just the power heads? Anyone have a pump of equivalent power that I could buy please, Calgary only can't afford post.
Sorry to hear that. There are other Iwaki pumps for sale here, but you'll have to pay post.
As far as how long your tank can go without it, with just powerheads ...
That is a subjective question. How long do you think your tank can run without your filter socks and skimmer?
In the meantime, I'd suggest you get any small pump to run your DT so your skimmer can do some work.
And run some kind of extra pump/powerhead to keep your oxygen up in your DT in case your powerheads can't keep up with what your critters are used to.
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