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Old 01-23-2012, 04:02 AM's Avatar is offline
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Default DIY 30"X 8" skimmer

As some of you know my system will be 180glns,240glns,66glns,40glns and a sump 120glns full mixed reef will start a build thread soon.
So I need to build a large enough skimmer to handle all this and knowing I have lots of acrylic pipes with different sizes or could buy any size diameter and length I need with all the space I require.
What are some good skimmer DIYs you seen or know of?
how tall should my skimmer be?
What diameter I should have?
Water flow needed?
I would like to hear from folks with experience,any information would be most appreciated.
I don't care for having a pretty skimmer as long as it does the job and then some
Well I have been reading this thread for a couple days and think I will be building my skimmer very shortly.
It will be roughly 30" tall and 8" diameter with a 6"diameter neck.Still working those numbers.
For the pump it will most likely be a modified Laguna 2400
The volute size will be larger than stock one and I will be using stainless mesh.

Last edited by; 01-27-2012 at 03:47 AM.
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