Leaving on vacation tomorrow and won't be back for 16 days, so I just did a water change on all 3 tanks. Mixed up 75 gals of SW and started on the 90g first. Had about 15 gals of the new SW into the tank when I noticed the two clams were closing up and some of the corals were starting to slime up. Uh Oh! Checked the temp on the tank: 74F! Stuck my hand in the new water and it was ice cold. The heater in the mixing container must have failed. I keep the container in the garage which is at about 60F. Tank temp dropped 4 degrees in five minutes! No wonder the inverts looked ****y! I always check the temp and salinity before water changes, but forgot to this time. IDIOT! Slowly raised the temp back to 78 and everything appears to be okay. Clams have re-opened and corals stopped sliming. Whew! Too close for comfort.
225g reef
Last edited by Lance; 01-22-2012 at 06:10 PM.
Reason: spelling