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Old 01-21-2012, 09:17 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by Reefie View Post
Haha that one isn't that big! I had one that was 1" wide, it was pretty disgusting looking.

Like everyone has posted, they aren't bad as long as they don't get out of hand. Just take out the big fat ones. They take care of the detritus for you.

After watching the video, now I know how to catch the bigger ones a lot easier. Thanks to reefwars for posting the video!

no problem at all a little bit of mysis on a ("roachclip??) lures them out pretty good.

you should see some of the ones i never got on video lol ive caught ones about 24" long and same as you about an inch or so thick lol that one was arund 12" and about a half inch thickthey do very well for un eaten food and ditrius that settles in the dark places on the sand:P
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