Hey everybody im relatively new here, and its time to see what y'all think of my plans..
like the title states i am putting together a 40g sumpless breeder.
for lighting i have a Current usa 4x39 watt t5ho fixture.
for flow im not sure if its going to be two or four powerheads, koralias i think.
i will be adding a cpr hob refugium, if im lucky i can afford the one with the skimmer built in.
I plan on purchasing about 30-40 lbs of LR from OA or JL( im leaving room for coral that come on LR.
sandbed wont be too deep maybe 2", one thing im not too sure about is if im going the eggcrate route or not.
speaking of corals i know i want some GSP, frogspawn, hammer etc. nothing too serious.
for livestock ive decided on a pair of clowns, a goby/shrimp, royal gramma
a mandarin down the road, and maybe a few chromis. not sure if i have room for those though, i would like to have some small schoolers. i am open to suggestions
i know there are mixed opinions about sumpless/skimmerless setups, but i am going to do this by the book and take things very slow...
so thanks for reading, and please feel free to give me your opinions and constructive critiicism.
thanks again,