OK do you want to get technical or just keep it simple.
First what type of camera are you using.
Digital camera will have a white balance feature some are more complex than others. Mine for example has 5 preprogrammed and 4 custom. I only use the custom. you should set the white balance every time you move to a different location in your tank, because often the combination of MH to VHO or PC or NO will change the colour.
The next question would be. Are you sure it is the camera that is taking bad picture of your computer displaying bad pictures. Most of us bought out computer monitors based on dot pitch, refresh rate and cost and size. But colour space is not something many manufacture list. The average computer monitor can not reproduce the same colours our cameras have the ability to capture. There fore the monitor converts the colour to something it can display.
There are about 15 other variables that if your interested I can go into. Photo shop being a large one
Let me know if anyone would like to hear more.
(Usually my rant on colour theory is a thread stopper)
So I will stop now