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Old 01-18-2012, 05:06 AM
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Originally Posted by fishytime View Post
I understand why you wernt impressed with the radions over the display at RCE.... but in all fairness, the tank design and the way the light rack is built made it hard to get the lights hanging where they will do the most good......did you ever get over to see anyones tank that was lit by them?
No, I would still like to, but I ended up having way less time over the holidays than I thought before I left town. I also stopped in at... Aquarium Illusions (I think that's what it's called) and they have a single radion over a clam tank. I thought the same thing there. I need to see if Levi is available again soon though cuz his pics are baller, but I have a boat load of scholarship/grant applications due in the next week and Kelly is moving back to Calgary, so it might be a bit before I have time.
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