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Old 01-17-2012, 04:03 PM
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Originally Posted by RGS88 View Post
I was at a LFS on the weekend looking at Mandarins. I know that Mandarins eat/consume pods (copepods I assume)... and know that most Mandarins exclusively live off of pods and nothing else. That being said the LFS said that I can populate my tank with pods (I have a newer tank). So, what Brand or type are you adding to your tank (if any)? I had a quick look at J&L's site as a reference and saw several kinds including Reef Nutrition Tigger-Pods Live Copepods, and Reef Nutrition Arcti-Pods Premium Concentrate, and Argent Freeze-Dried Cyclop-eeze, etc. Are these any good... and if so which particular one is the best? Are any pod additives available locally here in Edmonton from a LFS, or only online? Does a person have to keep dosing this (daily/weekly/monthly), or are these a one-time dose?
As well as pods, mature tank water will help with your success. A mature tank is also required for keeping some species of SPS.
So consider waiting until your tank is 9 months old. You can help increasing the pod population by.
1. adding a refugium.
2. not purchasing other fish that compete with the mandarin for food.
3. pile smooth stones in the back of your tank that become homes for them. (these pod piles also provide film algae for kole tangs.)
4. buying some pods at this time.

I would also look at ordering in a mated pair of mandarins when you are ready as your tank size can accommodate 2.
Thanks for asking.
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