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Old 01-17-2012, 03:29 PM
RGS88 RGS88 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 27
RGS88 is on a distinguished road
Default Pods for Mandarins

I was at a LFS on the weekend looking at Mandarins. I know that Mandarins eat/consume pods (copepods I assume)... and know that most Mandarins exclusively live off of pods and nothing else. That being said the LFS said that I can populate my tank with pods (I have a newer tank). So, what Brand or type are you adding to your tank (if any)? I had a quick look at J&L's site as a reference and saw several kinds including Reef Nutrition Tigger-Pods Live Copepods, and Reef Nutrition Arcti-Pods Premium Concentrate, and Argent Freeze-Dried Cyclop-eeze, etc. Are these any good... and if so which particular one is the best? Are any pod additives available locally here in Edmonton from a LFS, or only online? Does a person have to keep dosing this (daily/weekly/monthly), or are these a one-time dose?
150 Gal Cichlid tank, 55 Gal Cichlid tank, 42 Gal Hex Tropical tank, 2 Fluval Edge Tropical tanks.

And... 3 Miniature Schnauzers
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