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Old 01-15-2012, 05:19 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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reefwars will become famous soon enough

Originally Posted by Wayne View Post
I have Tangs (semi-aggressive), Six Line, and Saddle back clowns (females very territorial) that don't even look at my Green Spotted Mandrin. So one vote for you being safe.

my sixline and my mandarin get along extremely well ive even noticed them nose to nose hunting for food, it was the initial introduction that was tough.i added my mandarin during the night when the wrasse was sleeping.

the wrasse bothered my black clowns alot worse to the point where he chased them out of the tank, since the mandarins tend to swim closer to the bed it survived the fight.

within a week they were buddies, the mandarin would slowly explore more real estate .

i think the yellow tang would be fine as mandarins are small and can hide in small places where as tangs cant get in there so well with their barb.and its all about not being seen, if they have a place to hide when tings get violent then they have a better chance of surving the "new guy" hastings

id say go for it patrick, maybe work out a deal with whoever you buy it from that if it gets harassed you can bring it back and try something else?? cheers
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