Oh I heard you the first time you said nothing new. No kidding...chloramines have been used for years. However, it IS new to me (having to deal with it that is), and there are many people out there that aren't even aware of it.
Adding ammonia to your tank could very well be a problem! If the carbon in your RODI system doesn't have sufficient contact time to break the bond between ammonia and chlorine the remaining chloramines (particularly monochloramine found primarily at high tap water pH) will go right through the RODI system. Your RODI system also needs enough contact time to not only break the bond, but also to remove the resulting chlorine because chlorine (unlike chloramines) will damage the RO membrane.
Another thing to think of is that our test kits aren't exactly lab quality, so taking a couple extra measures (like adding a cartridge of catalytic carbon to the RODI system) might not be such a bad idea.

I don't really trust these little dip strips to be overly accurate, but I do think they can help.
This discussion is just about awareness Steve, as more and more communities are switching from chlorine to chloramines. I don't see why you would frown on such discussion.
Originally Posted by StirCrazy
what I am thinking as I keep checking this is why the big panic? there nothing new, all the tanks in Victoria have been running 10 years now on chloramine water and most never did anything special to remove it that others are not already doing.