Thread: Fish must go
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Old 01-14-2012, 11:33 PM
Reefer head Reefer head is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Location: lloydminster sask
Posts: 34
Reefer head is on a distinguished road
Default Fish must go

Hello all I have a few fish I must sell

Porcupine puffer 3inches 35$
Huma huma trigger 2 inches 35$
Tomato clown 2inches 20$
Banna wrasse male 4inches 65$
Violten lionfish 5 inches 55$
Emperior angel 4inches 85$
Yellow tang 4inches 40$
Spotted hawk fish 2inches 35$
Snow flake eel over 12inches 40$

I will be able to meet in Edmonton if you are willing to meet at the airport thanks let me know.
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