Thread: New to RODI
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Old 01-14-2012, 03:26 PM
PFoster PFoster is offline
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Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
I'm finally making water with a 100gpd RODI unit
My questions are;
-do I need a powerhead in the storage tank
-is there any point in a heater for the storage tank as it's in a heated room
I think you are in good hands with the other questions so I will add a bit to these.

You do not need a power head in your storage bin BUT if you add one (or better yet an air pump) if will bring up the pH of your fresh salt water before you add it to your system.
Test the pH of your freshly mixed sw, I can pretty much guarentee that the pH is low and this is done intentionally by the manufacturers as the lower pH allows the salt to mix faster.

As for a heater again its not required but it would help reduce the swings when you do your water changes.

The more stable your system is, the better your corals will look.
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