Originally Posted by gregzz4
The fishies are going to love this, as is my bottled-water buyin' wife 
Lots of people suggest collecting water for drinking after the RO, but before the DI. The reef + drinking water systems on the market use a valve to bypass the DI resin for drinking water. I'm not totally sure why. I believe it is more taste than anything (I know I find DI water tastes funny), although I have heard things like DI water is ionicly aggressive and some impurities from the DI resin makes it into the water so is not healthy to drink, but I am not sure of the validity of those claims.
Btw, when it comes time to replace the RO membrane (years from now) replace it with a 75 gpd or 150 gpd RO membrane which is more efficient. Since you have REALLY low tds to begin with it really doesn't matter though. If you do change the membrane select a flow restrictor of the same rating.
As far as 1:1 output, I think you're quite alright with that considering you're only putting 8 ppm into the system to begin with. I have been using 1.5:1 for about 2000 gallons nows starting with 160-180 ppm and I'm not having any issues with the membrane clogging so far.