With Quagmire's voice in mind ... aalllriight
The RO/DI is finished. I updated the pics
The filters are currently flushing and then I'll start making water. And not the yellow kind

Looks like I'll be able to buy some live rock next week
I'm pretty sure I have come up with a solution for mounting the sump socks and hope to work on that this weekend. I grabbed some plex today just in case
Wow, so much left to do. I've still got to finish the light mod, get comfortable mixing salt, pre-set 8 heaters, bah, you guys don't need to hear all this. You know what's involved
At least these are things we LIKE to do

Maybe the tank and stand will arrive next week too so I can get on the plumbing and house wiring. I still have to cut a hole to the sump in my office