Base Rock Question...
Hello all, I am currently getting ready to do a 180G fowlr tank with a 75G sump and am going to be stocking it with angels, my question is how much base rock can I use to mix with live rock? do 100 lbs of base with 50lbs of live sound like a good combo.
I am in no rush once this is up and going, I plan on having it running for about 6 - 8 months before I put any angels in. Will prob put a school of 5 Lyretail - Anthias in after it is cycled.
The equipment will be:
180G with dual over flows
Dual 1800 GPH return pumps
75 Gal sump refugium
300 GPH Skimmer
36 Watt UV light
750 watts of M/H lighting
Alge scrubber of appropriate size