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Old 01-12-2012, 07:28 AM
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Originally Posted by nanomano View Post
might seem like a dumb question, but if you have even considered leds, and by the sounds of it, it has crossed you mind, why not DIY? some modulars would be much cheaper and offer a lot of the same color options as radions. I dont know if they are quite up to par side by side, but for the money you'd be saving, and the fact that they are modular means you could swap out the bulbs in a heartbeat if they came out with a newer more powerful modular bulb.. thats what I think anyway haha

I'm really excited to see how this whole project comes together!
Thanks! I'm pretty stoked too. It's so close now I can practically taste the salt water lol. I had to start a tiny 5 gallon pico here in my temporary condo just to keep me from going batty

I had considered building my own LED fixture, but originally discounted it because I had no time, place, or tools to build one. Now that I think I'm going to start out with MH it's more of a possibility as the new house will have a workspace that I could build something like that in (though I don't have any tools, or technical know how what so ever!) so I could take my time without delaying my tank if I decided to go that route. However, one of the things that REALLY attracts me to the Radions is the software that comes with it, and I'm most definitely not going to be able to reproduce something like that on my own, so I'm still going to remain open to a fixture if one that I fully trust with my system comes along.
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