Originally Posted by staceyd72
Wow, i wouldn't got that far, more like Kijiji/Craigslist for GTA aquarists 
Canreef would be more like Canada's ReefCentral
Too much yelling over on AP
A lot of the local GTA 'hardcore' reefers sell/trade frags by word of mouth, mainly to avoid the hassle of 'no shows' and 'low-ballers'. Once you get to know the local reefers you won't have problems getting quality frags; sorry I don't have anything available at the moment
Here's a local ad http://www.canreef.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=81891
should have been clearer - its like RC in terms of strictness, definately not in terms of info. when the site owner just berates noobs for questionable stocking on every thread its hard to appreciate what else the community can possibly offer.