Originally Posted by MarkoD
Anyone know if north Edmonton uses chloramine?
And I think of you use prime for chloramine it'll just turn it into ammonia. Just don't know what the concentration is
Yes, Edmonton uses chloramine. If took this quote off of Epcor's Edmonton water treatment website. (4) Chlorine, (Total Residual)
In EPCOR's distribution system, the total residual chlorine is composed entirely of chloramine. Chloramine is a disinfectant that results when chlorine is combined with ammonia. It is a much weaker disinfectant than free chlorine but it stays in water longer, is more stable in distribution systems, and can more effectively penetrate any film or deposit on a pipe to kill bacteria. Our approval sets limits of 0.5 - 2.5 mg/L for drinking water. EPCOR's treated water contains an average of 2.19 mg/L.