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Old 01-09-2012, 04:14 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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Originally Posted by daniella3d View Post
My worries were more in case the main pipe would get clogged, lets say if a fish manage to get inside. I guess this is very unlikely anyway. In that case that the main pipe would be clogged inside, no emergency elbow would help. This is why the design with 2 overflow is a bit safer I tought.
In my previous tank I had 2 fish that seemed to just love going for a ride down the overflow pipe and into the sump. At least twice a week I had to net them out of the sump. I used and still use 1 1/2" drain lines with no valves on them so almost any fish I keep will pass through without getting stuck. The pipe is a little larger than needed and you can hear the water going down the pipe a little but the only noisy part is the sound of the air bubbles breaking at the surface of my sump. I found a neat little design that gets rid of most of the air in the pipe before the water discharges into the sump and now it is pretty darn quiet.
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