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Old 01-09-2012, 02:06 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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Originally Posted by mike31154 View Post
If the main pipe clogged, even a drilled tank overflow wouldn't prevent a flood. They're subject to the same rules in a scenario like that.
Depends on how you set it up. I have an emergency overflow the same size as my main that will never get a chance to clog with anything until my mainline completely fails. Then my emergency overflow would also have to completely get blocked before any water would get to the floor. I also put a cone shaped strainer on the emergency overflow so a large snail or the like can't completely block the opening either. And just to be on the paranoid side I used an external overflow with the back pane slightly lower and my sump directly underneath it so if there was an overflow problem the water would overflow my external overflow box and drop down into my sump which should catch most of the water. I think something similar could definetely be done with DIY pipe overflow without taking up too much realestate.

Last edited by intarsiabox; 01-09-2012 at 02:53 AM.
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