All sold and picked up, Thank you all !!!
Due to a job change and moving I am shutting down my 110g tank.
Fish currently in tank:
Black trigger, 5", in tank 9+ months ($25.00)
2 Lionfish (don't know which ones), medium size, 1 is 4" the other is about 3-1/2", in tank for about 1 yr ($25.00 each)
Domino damsel, 2-1/2", in tank about 18months ($10.00)
Magnificent foxface Rabbitfish, 5", in tank over 2yrs ($50.00)
Panther Grouper, currently about 7" OAL, will grow very large, free to large tank or $30.00 for someone that would like it for a year or so till it out grows their tank.
Also about 110lbs of liverock $2.00/lb
or $250.00 for all
Never medicated while in my tank.