No argument, they are not an easy fish to keep alive long term. Notoriously picky eaters, and do not do well in a competitive feeding environment...assuming they ever do accept prepared foods (which they can do, but not always).
I was fortunate to have one for almost 4 years and it ate every aptiasia in my 270G tank.............I added a mandarin goby, the copperband was dead in a week as the mandarin depleted the pod population...
I would suggest not even attempting one unless you have a mature 120G+ system, no other competition for pods, and ideally a low bio-load of non-competitive fish for it.
No need to give up on this fish (unlike some other beautiful fish....purple queen anthias are one), but definitely proceed with caution.
Originally Posted by sully08
I guess I should listen and leave this fish to the reef pros. Tried to put one in my 8 month old tank and it died about 7 days into quarentine. Couple months later I tried another one and quarentined it for 2 weeks. He ate Mysis, looked really good, no signs of disease. I put him in my D.T and he was dead in 2 days, no idea why. I heard they were really hard to keep. Anyone had similar problems like this? All tank water tests were good.