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Old 01-06-2012, 11:54 AM
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daniella3d daniella3d is offline
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I think the problem is food. Some people say he ate mysis...but how much and what type of mysis?? because when I got mine it was as skinny as they get and he was eating only PE mysis. The problem is they need A LOT of rich food, not just a few mysis here and there. I saved mine with live white worms enriched with Selcon and been feeding this almost exclusively for a year now.

I put it in quarantine when I first got him, did a treatment of prazipro because he had flukes and internal worms. Once that cleared up he got fat and happy eating white worms.

Now he eats a bit of mysis, of course live white worms, and on occasion some fresh mussels. I don't have any aggressive fish in my tank and anyone having aggressive tang, especially a yellow, should not get any copperband. They need a peacefull environment to thrive and that is an absolute must. They don't thrive on eating aiptasia either. Mine won't touch them at all. I guess the reason you often read "my copperband ate all the aiptasia and then died" is maybe because this is not a proper diet for them at all...might be even poison.

I am glad mine don't eat the aiptasia. He's my favorite fish and the king of the aquarium. I also have a niger trigger but he stay hidden all day and only come out at feeding time and he's not one bit aggressive. I got a foxface once and had to sell it because he was stressing the copperband. Copperbands also need good spots to hide from the light because they can't stand strong light and that stress them a lot. Before I got the copperband I got a yellow tang and that bastard sliced my poor male mandarin to death...never again will I have a yellow tang. I simply hate them.
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...

Last edited by daniella3d; 01-06-2012 at 12:00 PM.
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