Originally Posted by Mrfish55
Not that I'm any expert but that is the one fish that won't survive past 6 months for me, and I think I provide pretty decent accommodations for them, I finally gave up, I'll go visit Marie's or Lances once a year to get my fix.
Yeah, I guess I've been pretty lucky with mine. Bought it off a fellow member 2 1/2 years ago. Wouldn't eat anything but shellfish meat. I fed it clams and mussels for the first 6 months I had it. To make sure it was getting enough food I drilled 1/4 inch holes in a small plastic box and put the clam inside. The other fish couldn't get their noses in the holes. Then one day out of the blue it tried some mysis and now eats pretty much any frozen meaty foods. It has also erradicated the tank of all aiptasia and dusters. If only it would develop a liking for majanos.