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Old 01-05-2012, 06:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Well, we, the staff, have discussed this before and thought about limiting or restricting it. However, it was my thought that even if a person only comes here once to sell something, and a Canreef member gets a deal that they might not otherwise get, it's a good thing for the real board members.

Now, if this is not a popular consensus amongst the members, I'd be willing to re-open the discussion with the rest of the team and see what we come up with.

I just figured everyone would like to see deals offered, even if it isn't from a "contributing" member...
IMO, having anyone posting classifieds here, or anywhere else, is great for us all.
I don't want to speak out of turn being one of the newbies here, but I do see an issue with post abuse here and there.
That's all my point entails ...
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