Thread: algae?
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Old 01-04-2012, 09:55 PM
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Originally Posted by parkinsn View Post
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I would try a clean up crew first, before anything else. You may find that your crabs will eat your snails for their shells. Have bigger homes for them to avoid this.

I'm with Brett, crabs can be a PITA for crawling on, and picking at your corals. Snails are nice for cleaning the glass though.

On topic, if you post a pic you will get a better ID.
I'm with you not advertising that you have crabs, at least you aren't complaining about itching and scratching in different places. Haha!

However, I'm getting annoyed with the snails and hermits picking at clams and knocking things over. They just don't seem to understand that we place corals in certain spots for a reason.

I spend almost as much time picking up snails and placing them where they should be than anything else. There ought to be a reef school of some kind training for those buggers!
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