So I encounter the first major issue with the DART leaking. It turned out to be a manufacturer defect in the housing. 2 tiny pin hole was some how formed during the milling process. I guess the lathe operator had a couple too many the night before.

check out the wet spot on the housing.
I contacted Chris at Reefflo, even though they were closed during the holiday season, he still reply to my email and had the part and an extra seal kit shipped priority mail today. Now thats service. I have ran into countless dealers that just want to sell you the product and as soon as you pay the money they are gone with the wind. Altough the experience with my first reefflo pump was negitive but the customer service I recieved from Chris was good enough for me to recommand the product and company to anyone.
I used a bit of 2 part epoxy to seal it off temporarily till I get my new replacement and so far so good.