Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic
Tomini or Two-spot tang could also replace the Kole (same family of bristletooth tangs).
As for your wish list:
Yellow or canary wrasse (NOT lunare) is doable, but mine grew to about 5-6"
Dwarf Flame Angelfish - potentially non-reef-safe (any dwarf angel is a hit-or-miss) - perhaps look at Cherub angel (dwarf dwarf) which I've never had any problems with
nemo clownfish lol
starry blenny- algae eating? - some algae control
blue hippo tang - NOPE - too big and fast
flame hawkfish - Yes
cuban hogfish - Needs a 6' fowlr
pink square anthias - never found these to be hardy
purpleback pseudochromis - SKIP - would probably fight with orchid
ora fidmani-orchid pseudochromis - Usually great reef fish (probably stay just with one pseudochromis)
blue reef chromis - most LFS stock the green (not blue) chromis
banggai cardinal - great little reef fish
I would agree with the above.
Is this going to be a FOWLR? Or a reef?
ORA fish and coral, last i heard, can not be brought into Canada. However you can still get orchid's up here.
Also lunare wrasse, not only to big, but also not reef safe,
IF you plan on having shrimp. As with most wrasse, keeping shrimp
MAY be an issue. The bigger the wrasse the bigger the chance of it eating your inverts.
Another thought. If you want to do a pseudochromis stick to one. But there are some nice dottybacks as well that can be mixed with pseudochromis