Tomini or Two-spot tang could also replace the Kole (same family of bristletooth tangs).
As for your wish list:
Yellow or canary wrasse (NOT lunare) is doable, but mine grew to about 5-6"
Dwarf Flame Angelfish - potentially non-reef-safe (any dwarf angel is a hit-or-miss) - perhaps look at Cherub angel (dwarf dwarf) which I've never had any problems with
nemo clownfish lol
starry blenny- algae eating? - some algae control
blue hippo tang - NOPE - too big and fast
flame hawkfish - Yes
cuban hogfish - Needs a 6' fowlr
pink square anthias - never found these to be hardy
purpleback pseudochromis - SKIP - would probably fight with orchid
ora fidmani-orchid pseudochromis - Usually great reef fish (probably stay just with one pseudochromis)
blue reef chromis - most LFS stock the green (not blue) chromis
banggai cardinal - great little reef fish
If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it!