Originally Posted by ponokareefer
Wrasse's in with seahorse's? Never heard of that being good. Don't they eat the food before the seahorse's can get to it?
The flasher wrasse is a delicate eater. The seahorses are actually very aggressive eaters, which is surprising but they chase down the mysis and not just hang out waiting for the food to drift over to them. I wouldn't put a fairy wrasse in there, though, because they are very aggressive eaters compared to leopards and flashers.
I've kept seahorses (almost all were wild caughts that I trained to eat mysis before the CITES ban) since 1984.
I also have 2 other sw tanks to put any fish that don't work out with the seahorse, but so far, the ponies are fattening up very nicely. Very impressed with their feeding response considering in the shop (J&L), they were less aggressive feeders.
Here's an article about what are good tankmates, can work, and shouldn't go into a seahorse tank. I've have Flashers and Leopard wrasses in my other tanks and they are very good citizens.