75 gallon or 90 gallon
As the title says I will be upgrading from a 35 gallon sumpless reef to one of these two size tanks. The tanks are the same footprint meaning they are 4 feet long same depth 18 inches I believe but the 90 is 4 inches taller. New system will have a sump as large as I can go so am wondering what everyone's experiences are with either tank. I have heard the wet armpit thing with the 90 gallon but figure if I am upgrading may as well go as big as I can for just a littler more dollars. Thanks for any input. Have been looking at perfecto reef ready, miracles and aqueon reef ready as far as tanks go. They are all very close in price as the perfecto is the least expensive and miracles the most expensive. Perfecto has corner over flow which I like compared to the aqueon that has offset overflow.