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Old 12-29-2011, 05:26 PM
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MarkoD MarkoD is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Edmonton Alberta
Posts: 1,904
MarkoD is on a distinguished road

Even with my own business. When I first started I was shooting all day weddings for free. (I was actually losing money because of the initial investment required)

Now 3 years later I am still reeping the rewards from the referrals I got from those weddings. And I still give a discount to all these referrals in hopes that they'll send more business my way.

For me it's all about building rapport with a client. And with any business I believe it's important. Since price is the biggest initial influence on people's decisions on where to shop, bringing them in with a sale is important. And when you satisfy them with service or quality of product, price becomes secondary.

Being a money hungry business person (like some people who own lfs)( and no this doesn't mean giving stuff away and not making a profit) will do nothing but hurt them. Ive gone into lfs where all the owner wants to do is sell me things. I told him I had cyano and in a 2 min span he tried to sell me bio pellets, gfo, fluval phosphate remover, and phosdown.
I'll probably never go there again (even tho everyone praises this shop)