Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic
It's not so much the cost of the fish, corals and supplies that is expensive but the crazy cost of transportation that hurts the bottom line. For instance, a few hundred dollars worth of livestock can easily be over $1000 in shipping, transhipping fees, etc.
Where do you get this information? I used to work in this industry (less than 2 years ago) and your right there is a few hundred dollars in fish but if your paying $1000 to ship please ask for vaseline when they rape you. We rarely seen shipping costs at half that and we had to fly stuff to calgary then to lethbridge (and extra $100). Generally it was $300/box when they got to Calgary international Airport.
I will however say you guys in edmonton are getting SCREWED HARD! I was up in october and visited a few shops about the only one I seen with decent pricing was RCE. I didnt get a chance to stop at Blue World but I will say I stopped shopping when I seen a Purple Tang for $300 at another shop. Same fish is a $90 fish in Calgary.
Thankfuly Lethbridge stores have finally clued in that people are making trips to calgary for cheaper prices, ordering from JL, and thankfuly they have lowered their prices to keep people local.