Here is my 2 cents worth...ok maybe alot more cents then that, but who is counting???
If you are going to drill, make sure the type of glass you drilling into (aka don't drill into tempered glass) I would also recommend drilling in the bottom if possible so it is gravity feed, but if the bottom is tempered, then you will have to drill in the sides. I have done the overflow thing before and flooded my office on the second floor. Wasn't a pretty situation. If you are going to drill make sure you place bulk heads inside the tank, to prevent overflowing if a pump fails.
As for lights, I have run both T5HO and MH and to be honest, I would go back to the MH every time. Just the shimmer it produces and the growth in corals, you can't beat. In saying that, my current light is both T5HO and MH, best of both worlds. My recommendation is spend the money on a good lighting set-up, or be forever caught up in the upgrading path as I was. Good colour coral requires good lighting.
Anyways that is my cents worth, you will find vary opinions when it comes to this hobby, and what works for one tank, might not work for somebody else's.