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Old 12-29-2011, 03:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Nate View Post
Ok Marko you win wrong page...

Not the point. But you haven't answered the question.

Where did you come up with these numbers. Magic hat? I realize they are a matter of opinion , but when you come online and state things like that, some people might not realize you don't have a clue at what you are saying as assume it is fact. Just my opinion.

Also, electronics store and a small specialized hobby shop are a whole different animal my friend. I appreciate you trying to make comparisons with what you may have learned as a part time electronics salesman while putting yourself through school, but you're talking a bit over your head. ( in my opinion)

Also, sorry for the late reply. I was watching my stories on my new tv I picked up on boxing day. No xtended warranty FTW!
if i put the words "i think" infront of the number 23423948734597934759347859573fivesevenoneoneoneone oenoneonezerozerozero.

it basically means i got out of a magic hat. or just made it up as what i think a figure could be