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Old 12-28-2011, 11:15 PM
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Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic View Post
I'd hate to say that, but I totally disagree.

The prime example is Big Al's Salt special. They use it as a loss leader, but many of the customers that showed up for it did not buy anything else. I was there in the morning and I saw a lot of people that would not shop there normally any other time of the year.

We can lower prices when our suppliers give us special deals (drystock), during holiday times, as they want to reduce their stock. Livestock prices almost never fluctuate during the year.

As for a store that increases prices just before these sales to show the special markdowns, buyer beware.

As for markups, they are needed to keep all stores in business. There are too many expenses to even name, everone gets a piece of the pie before we even see the products. A good guestimate of operating costs a store needs to make is at least $500 a day (Profit) to break even per day.

I remember this time last year, a canreefer said they can bring in pepermint shrimp and sell the from his house for $2 each, I told him I'd buy 500 alone for my store. That sale never happened, I wonder why?

LFS's are completely different than any other retail outlets, other companies can close for a week and do nothing and their inventory remains the same, try that with a LFS and you walk into a room as if someone just stolen from you. Apples and oranges people

Just my opinion..

Ken - BWA
exactly a year ago on boxing day. i went to big al's and bought a bucket of salt and started my first saltwater tank. i've spent thousands of dollars since then.

if not for the discounted bucket of salt, i may have never even switched to saltwater. im sure theres plenty of people that you dont know. i meet people with saltwater tanks on a weekly basis that dont know that any other saltwater store other than big als even exists in edmonton.