Originally Posted by Parker
Not a damn thing  but that's my own doing. I'd rather pay a bit extra than have to deal with the crowds..
Ditto. Did hit up Red Coral in the afternoon after the rush was all done and picked up an urchin but I was wanting to do that anyhow this week so I'm not sure that counts.
Made the mistake of going to McDonalds for lunch (the kids were wanting it and WTH it's the holidays) and the one we went to shared the parking lot with FutureShop and a bunch of other stores... Holy mackerel what a gong show that was just getting in and out.
Went online and checked out a few prices on a few items I could think of at a few places and found that for the few things I was mildly interested in were less than 10% off. For example I looked up an iPad at one place and the discount was something like $15 off. .... I'm not sure that's even worth getting out of bed for.