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Old 12-27-2011, 03:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Lance View Post
Hehe. I'm so glad you each have your own tank. A fish person and a coral person simply won't work in one tank:

Doug: "Damn it Laurie, you're poisoning my corals with all that fish food! It's a bloody nitrate factory!"

Laurie:[i] "If you had it your way Dougie Dear, I'd have only three skinny little fish in the tank!"
So true!

Originally Posted by fishytime View Post
you nailed it man!......I told her I would HAVE to set up my own tank when I get ifs, ands, or buts about it.....mind you my tank now has quite a few skinny fish in it
You didn't have to tell me, I know I can't keep coral alive (because of overfeeding and highish nitrates and nippy angels) so there's no way I want to be responsible for your corals. Much easier for you to have your own tank

I got 12 boxes of IO salt, easyblade replacement blades, Rio nano skimmer filters, and some fish.

Got up really early to be the first to get a bluespot jawfish (which I did make it there before anyone else) but unfortunately none of them looked very good so I passed and I got a yasha goby pistol shrimp pair instead.

They also had a gorgeous line spot flasher wrasse that took major will power to pass up. I passed because my mystery wrasse would most likely chase it out of the tank

Also got a super fat Caribbean pipefish and a freckled hawkfish. I'll post pic's
of the yasha and the pipefish in the 34g tank journal right away and when I get a pic of Mr. freckles (he's in the fowlr) I'll post a pic of him.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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