ok so after my novice reefer mistake of thinkin the medication can cure ich over a week sucks i now have all my fish in a 5 gallon qt and they will stay there medicated for ive been told at least a month so that the main tank can get rid of the ich in it. is that long enough and i also purchased my 2 cleaner shrimp today there transition into the main tank was flawless as well as 5 more snail and hermits( i have been having alot of browny green hair like algea lately and was figuring its due to the rocks i bought having it on them and no skimmer on that tank yet and i hadnt done a water change in like 2 weeks so i will be doing a couple water changes over this week to help with that. now that i have a large tank im thinkig of using vodka dosing or something just a thought. any suggestions on how best to get rid of this algea other then get a tang lol i have one and he would e a fatty but ich is still there