Well I think the winning plan is below. It should allow for more then enough flexibility that I should be able to dial in a lighting option I like. I would consider running optics on the Cool Whites, Neutral whites, and the royal blues. I only would consideroptics becuase I have a very tall tank 38" to be exact, so light penetration may be an issue. I hit a little snag with the tank so it will be a while before I will actually have the fixtures over the tank.
The wiring is going to be messy as I had only planned on Cool whites and Royal Blues. It would be a little less messy if I bought another 100 W 2.8 A driver so I could split my Cool whites up better, but cost is starting to be a factor. For those of you potential DIY'ers I really don't think there is much of a cost savings by doing your own lighting, by the time everything is said and done, I am sure I would have spent at least $1200 plus many many hours of research. But in my case with an odd shapped tank, the desire for full lighting control, and me being super particular DIY is the only option!
BTW the snag is that the shop I had lined up to build my curved wooden panels is no longer able to do it. And apparently curved wood panels take like 60 - 90 days to manufacture...plus they need my steel frame while they do the build.