The Tank
I bought the tank at
Big als East, I think its the best price for this size of tanks without being customized
I bought the stand and canopy at
Aquavalley, I could choose the color I wanted, plus I got it within a week! Oh and the price was awesome!
Equipment Tank with Reactors
its a 40g acrylic tank with all these equipment
Flow: 2,500 – 5,500 GPH
Wattage: 10 – 60 watts
I've set the pump to Reef Crest at full spin
Both Internal & External Design
Slip & Thread Fitting
Dimensions : 8″ x 4.25″ x 7″
Inlet/ Outlet : 1 1/4″ inlet / 1” outlet
Power : *37 watts
96% efficiency
Max Flow=750gph
Max Head=7.5ft
set to go on if under 78 degrees
Pc4 1
- Circulation pump for frag tank
- Aquaillumination Led for Frag tank
- Circulation pump for Frag tank
- Circulation pump for Frag tank
Pc4 2
- Heaters: set on if under 78 degrees
- auto top off
- Doser
- Dead
Pc4 3
- MH On: 4pm OFF: 10pm
- T5 main tank ON: 3pm OFF: 11pm
- Return Pump
- Off
Winter: set to 40% Humidity
Summer: set to 60% Humidity
its plugged directly to my canopy
Water Tests
Nitrate: 5
Magnesium: 1350ppm
Calcium: 420 ppm
Alk: 9 dkh
Temp: 78-80
Salinity 1.025
Ph: 8.10
Stats/ graphs are
thank you Reeftronics!
Other Equipment
it feeds my
Two Little Fishies kalkwasser that goes to my sump
- Calcium
- kalkwasser
- Trace elements
I'm adding Calcium with my
Vertex Rx6 Duo to reach at least 400ppm
I'm adding
Two little fishies kalk via top offs
I'm doing 5% water change weekly to restore all the trace elements
its simple, my maintenance is done once a week. every mondays to be exact
Once a month
- Recalibrate, ph, salinity refractor
- Flushing my RODI membrane
- Doing all water tests
Every 3 months are so:
- Changing carbon media if water going yellow
- Changing GFO if phos over .003 ppm
I'm feeding once a day via
Eheim Auto feeder a mix of these 2 formulas, at 4pm
at 7pm, I feed Rogger's reef food with a
My Fish
- Vlamingii Tang (Naso vlamingi)
- Yellow Tang x2 (Zebrasoma flavescens)
- Spotted Cardinalfish x2(Sphaeramia nematoptera)
- Blue spotted Watchman Goby (Cryptocentrus pavoninoides)
- Striped bristletooth x2(Ctenochaetus striatus)
- Green Chromis x3 (Chrysiptera cyanea)
- Black Percula Clown (Amphiprion percula)
- Emperor Angelfish (Pomacanthus imperator)
- Tail Spot Blenny (Ecsenius stigmatura)
- Fowleri Tang (Acanthurus fowleri)
- Niger Trigger (Odonus niger)
My corals
- Protopalythoa mutuki
- Seriatopora hystrix
- Green Euphyllia glabrescens
- Sarcophyton Leather
- Montipora Capricornis
- Ricordea Yuma
- Ricordea florida
- Fungia concinna
- Caulestrea furcata
- Euphyllia ancora
- Euphyllia paradivisa
- Acanthastrea lordhowensis
- Green Actinodiscus
- Red Actinodiscus cardinalis
- Acropora Tortuosa
- Duncanopsammia axifuga
- Rhodactis indosinensis
My inverts
- Diadema setosum
- Echinometra la****er
- Astropecten polycanthus
- Calcinus elegans
- Clibanarius tricolor
- Thor Amboinensis
- Lysmata Amboinensis
- Stenopus hispidus
Frag Tank
- 40g Breeder
- 36x18x16
- Aquaillumination Led
- GenX return pump
- Couple different circulation pumps
- Connected to the main system
Problems occurred and future plans
- Hair algea *Fixed*
- Hydro to high because of those MH, going LED
- Need a solution for power outage
- Change CA reactor to a dual to keep my ph higher *Fixed*
- adding an equipment tank on top of the sump to have all the equipment to my eye level *Fixed*
- Start dosing fauna marin supplements
- Get a new sump
- Adding more volume for more stability
Special Thanks
Liv my friend for all the help installing the tank
Az at
Aquavalley for your crazy prices on live stock and all the good tips regarding my tank
Mathieu at
GoReef for all the good prices on equipment plus all the good advices
Mark (
mrsaltwaterguy) my buddy from Texas that helped me out during my algea outbreak!
Pat from
Reef wholesale for all the times I bug you with PM, questions regarding my tank haha
My wife
Jasmine who let me spend 17k on my tank haha I love you