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Old 12-24-2011, 03:18 AM
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Originally Posted by High tide View Post
Sure, you could totally kill your live rock and start fresh if you so wish, but if experience has taught me anything, another pest (or the same) will eventually end up on your rock. If you're not against adding another fish to your system, you could try a Scopas tang. I've found these fish to be extremely versatile algae eaters and have consistently eaten Bryopsis in the several different systems I have added them to. They have taken care of it every single time.

Yeah unfortunately I have tried scopas, yellow, blue, and kole tangs. None of which helped. I've also tried lettuce nudibranch's, Kent Tech M dosing, boiling water aimed at the stocks, and various snails, shrimps, urchins and crabs. I must have the most stubborn case ever.

They call it addiction for a reason...

Last edited by FishyFishy!; 12-24-2011 at 03:23 AM.
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